If you did not have the opportunity to attend the session at the regional conferences,
It Doesn't Take Barbells to Strengthen a Chapter, you have another opportunity!
Complete the 2014 International Convention registration form that is on the Society website at www.dkg.org. Then, watch for the schedule of workshops that will be offered during the convention, July 28- August 1. The
original session, offered at all 2013 regional conferences,
will be repeated. This is your chance to get everything you need to strengthen your chapter.
If you attended the
Barbells session at the 2013 regional conferences you are in for another special treat. A
follow up session will be conducted at the 2014 International Convention. All participants who attended the sessions during the 2013 regional conferences will receive information regarding the day and time of the follow up session. If you are not contacted by June 15, 2014, and given specific information, contact, Dr. Lyn Schmid who is coordinating the follow up sessions. You can reach her at mschmid@supernet.com.