Blogs are valuable if they are read.
I would love for more DKG members to read my blogs. I try to keep them updated and share information that's important. So, what can I do?
One member suggested that I issue a challenge. So, here goes! The first, 25th, and 50th person who sends an email with an idea as to how to increase the readership of my blogs, or who shares information that members would like to read in a blog, will receive a prize. Seriously!
In the subject line of your email, put
Are Blogs Valuable? In the body of the email share your idea for increasing readership or indicate information you think should be shared in a blog. Provide your name and state organization and I will let you know if you are the first, 10th, 25th or 40th person to submit. If so, a prize will be mailed to you.
It's that simple. Ready - Set - Go! Send your email to