DKG chapters have only eight mandates.
- Members must be recommended, and elected at a chapter meeting based on identified qualifications, which includes initiation. Reserve status may only be granted for two reasons.
- Members must pay dues and fees on time.
- Chapters must have four regular meetings per year.
- Chapters must have an executive board with defined duties.
- Chapters must adhere to the Purposes and Mission Statement, and are responsible for Society work within whatever committee structure they choose.
- Chapters must have Rules that are consistent with the Constitution and its state organization bylaws.
- Chapters must elect and appoint certain officers who must be members and are elected in even-numbered years.
- Chapters must submit annual and biennial reports.

If additional flexibility is desired, a member, chapter, or state organization has the opportunity, every four years, to recommend changes to ensure continued relevance and sustainability. Is four years too long to make changes in the Constitution? Should it be more general? Should membership be changed?
Chapters are the heart of the Society and the members its lifeblood! It is crucial for each member, chapter and state organization to participate actively in determining the future of our great organization. This might make a great discussion for a chapter meeting.
Spelling out what chapters are required to do may actually foster some great chapter discussions. I am betting most have not thought of their chapter on these terms for a while. Go, Beverly!