During my term as DKG international president, I proclaimed the benefits of DKG for all generations and especially those in X and Y. Recently, I reviewed the statistics of those blogs and realized they were less read or viewed. Do younger members not read my blogs? Do experienced members not read blogs about engaging younger generations?
I don't know why those blogs were viewed less than others. But, this is a great time to reiterate numerous ways in which DKG assists, supports and enhances educators of all generations! Check out a few of the benefits.
- financial support for graduate study
- support for educators working on National Board Certification
- coaching, mentoring and other support for educators new to the profession
- professional networking in a multi-generational environment
- leadership development opportunities
- funding for classroom, school or community projects
- support for attendance at professional conferences
- publishing opportunities in a juried journal
- professional development hours for renewal of teaching certificates
- professional speaking opportunities
- supporting diversity and involvement in programs at chapter, state organization and international levels
- genuine friendships with outstanding women educators in 17 countries
Let's continue to dialogue ways to engage the younger generations and re-engage the experienced, long-term members. We could even debate other issues. Open discussions about the issues confronting DKG enable us to better face the future with warm courage and high hopes.
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