Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Check out FORUMS at 2013 Regional Conferences

     There are four forums in The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International. They include the Canadian, European, Latin America and United States. Chairs of each are, Agnes Moynihan, Canadian; Ingibjorg Jonasdottir, European; Monica J. Ochoa, Latin America; and La Walta (Wally) Turner, United States.

      A two (2)-hour block of time is planned at each 2013 regional conference as a working session. It is scheduled at a time not conflicting with other activities. Outstanding speakers have been obtained and  sessions are designed to serve the interests and concerns of Society members. Members in attendance have the opportunity to discuss forum related issues.

      A Canadian Forum will take place at the NE Regional in Maine and the NW Regional in Wyoming.  Two Forums are necessary as there are Canadian members in both regions.  The Forum will bring educational issues forward from each province to update the overview of education in Canada.  The school project in Mexico will be updated and guidelines concerning the Canadian projects will be discussed.  Canadian members will be able to develop a shared sense of purpose and fellowship renewing old friendships and making new ones.

     The European Forum is the youngest forum. The forum consists of nine countries, nine languages, nine cultures, nine school systems and nine histories. As a group, the forum members look for common interests and work with those issues to organize an interesting meeting during the regional conference or the international convention.
     The Latin-American Forum is an assembly for an open discussion on topics of common concern, all in Spanish. The Forum meetings are held at the Southwest Regional Conference. 

     The U.S. Forum will be held at all four regional conferences in the United States. The U.S. Forum also sponsors a National Legislative Seminar at the Holiday Inn/National Airport in Crystal City, Virginia. The dates are March 16-19, 2014. You will receive a brochure at the US Forum with complete information regarding the NLS.

     Enjoy your forum at your regional conference this summer.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Teaching, Leading, Caring from the Heart

The Indiana state organization convention began on Friday, April 26 with professional development sessions open to all members. A dinner for the state organization officers and committee chairs provided a relaxing time to share reports and other business matters.

The Executive Board meeting which began early Saturday morning included a roll call of chapters, reports of related personnel, standing and ad hoc committees as well as other business. A discussion of the 2014 International Convention was one focus as Indiana will be the host state for the 2014 International Convention in Indianapolis, July 28- August 1, 2014.

Dr. Wendy Robinson, Superintendent of the Fort Wayne Community Schools welcomed the members at the beginning of the Opening Session. Outstanding workshops  such as Retracing Ann Frank's Footsteps; Ideas for Struggling Chapters; Zimbabwe: A Journey of Discovery; Letting Go of Stress, and Educational Legislative Trends were well received.

Following the approval of the proposed state organization's Standing Rules and the budget, and after not passing a proposed dues increase, the members appeared to  be in one accord as they recommitted to the Society's Mission and Purposes and installed new officers  for the upcoming biennium.

Members from Mu Chapter, Indiana, recently initiated 27 new members.

Friday, June 7, 2013

To My Favorite Grandson

Dear Ace:

 As I look at your graduation picture, I beam with pride. You have brought such pleasure to your Gigi. It seems only yesterday that you were born on my birthday, no easy feat in itself, and now you are graduating. 

You know all the letters of the alphabet and your colors, even though purple and pink gave you a small problem. You can count past 100 and add most single digit numbers. Your Geography is great as you put your tiny fingers on California, Florida, Texas and Georgia, important places because of the people in your life. 

You are blessed by having your parents; both, outstanding professional educators. Your life's journey will include many who will inspire, challenge, support and motivate you. They will be your teachers and administrators - your super heroes, surrogate parents, care takers, nurses, mentors, tutors, secretaries, psychiatrists, role models and friends. They will see your sparkle, thirst for knowledge, and gentle spirit; and while not breaking it, may bend it to help you learn that life is not always fair; everyone is not as kind, loving and wonderful as you and a few may not believe, as I, that you are God's unique gift to this world. 

As you continue your journey remember a few of my favorite sayings such as, "all that glitters is not gold; what appears to be may not be; smooth sailing never a skillful mariner made; in giving you actually receive; you can't judge a book by its cover; you learn more from your failures than your successes; failures are only temporary; what goes around comes around; actions speak louder than words;" and at some point, "you really do reap what you sow." 

Guard your heart, mind and eyes for they influence and shape your character. Make good choices; they affect both your present and future. Forgive others, for you will need forgiveness and, always seek the best in others. It is there often disguised or hidden in pain, past experiences, failures or temporary setbacks.

Life awaits you, my dear. Embrace it as I do the sunshine and the rain, the chirping of the birds, the beauty of the earth and the gift of each day. 

I love you,


Thursday, June 6, 2013

What's New about Nominations in 2013?

         Several innovations promise to make a positive impact on the submission of recommendations and endorsements for elected DKG positions for 2014 and beyond.  Check out the following three.

1.      Revised and updated forms will be on the website, beginning June 17, 2013. They are easy to access, complete, save, and submit. Go to www.dgk.org.  Check the home page and you may also click on Committees, then on Nominations.  From June 17 - October 15, 2013, you will find:
·         Guidance on how to ‘maximize’ the impact of recommendations and endorsements.
·         References from the governing documents regarding the nominations committee and the process.

2.      A workshop, Nominations Know-How, at each regional conference which will give you opportunities to:

·         View and discuss the revised forms.
·         Receive advice about completion of recommendation and endorsement forms.
·         Learn why each candidate is asked to provide a statement giving the reasons she wants to serve and her previous participation in the Society.
·         Discover why ‘less is more’ when submitting an endorsement.
·         Find out how to ensure that endorsements have maximum impact.
·         Hear why electronic submission of forms is a ‘win/win’ for all.

3.      Nominations Committee members will also be at the Info Fairs at Regionals.

·         A PowerPoint presentation and informative  handouts will be shared.
·         An opportunity to ask individual questions for clarification and advice about:
           a) Completing recommendation and endorsement forms,
     b) Choosing endorsers whose forms will provide relevant information,
     c) Submitting the forms electronically, and,
     d) Meeting the submission deadline date of October 15, 2013.