Thursday, June 6, 2013

What's New about Nominations in 2013?

         Several innovations promise to make a positive impact on the submission of recommendations and endorsements for elected DKG positions for 2014 and beyond.  Check out the following three.

1.      Revised and updated forms will be on the website, beginning June 17, 2013. They are easy to access, complete, save, and submit. Go to  Check the home page and you may also click on Committees, then on Nominations.  From June 17 - October 15, 2013, you will find:
·         Guidance on how to ‘maximize’ the impact of recommendations and endorsements.
·         References from the governing documents regarding the nominations committee and the process.

2.      A workshop, Nominations Know-How, at each regional conference which will give you opportunities to:

·         View and discuss the revised forms.
·         Receive advice about completion of recommendation and endorsement forms.
·         Learn why each candidate is asked to provide a statement giving the reasons she wants to serve and her previous participation in the Society.
·         Discover why ‘less is more’ when submitting an endorsement.
·         Find out how to ensure that endorsements have maximum impact.
·         Hear why electronic submission of forms is a ‘win/win’ for all.

3.      Nominations Committee members will also be at the Info Fairs at Regionals.

·         A PowerPoint presentation and informative  handouts will be shared.
·         An opportunity to ask individual questions for clarification and advice about:
           a) Completing recommendation and endorsement forms,
     b) Choosing endorsers whose forms will provide relevant information,
     c) Submitting the forms electronically, and,
     d) Meeting the submission deadline date of October 15, 2013.


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