Friday, June 7, 2013

To My Favorite Grandson

Dear Ace:

 As I look at your graduation picture, I beam with pride. You have brought such pleasure to your Gigi. It seems only yesterday that you were born on my birthday, no easy feat in itself, and now you are graduating. 

You know all the letters of the alphabet and your colors, even though purple and pink gave you a small problem. You can count past 100 and add most single digit numbers. Your Geography is great as you put your tiny fingers on California, Florida, Texas and Georgia, important places because of the people in your life. 

You are blessed by having your parents; both, outstanding professional educators. Your life's journey will include many who will inspire, challenge, support and motivate you. They will be your teachers and administrators - your super heroes, surrogate parents, care takers, nurses, mentors, tutors, secretaries, psychiatrists, role models and friends. They will see your sparkle, thirst for knowledge, and gentle spirit; and while not breaking it, may bend it to help you learn that life is not always fair; everyone is not as kind, loving and wonderful as you and a few may not believe, as I, that you are God's unique gift to this world. 

As you continue your journey remember a few of my favorite sayings such as, "all that glitters is not gold; what appears to be may not be; smooth sailing never a skillful mariner made; in giving you actually receive; you can't judge a book by its cover; you learn more from your failures than your successes; failures are only temporary; what goes around comes around; actions speak louder than words;" and at some point, "you really do reap what you sow." 

Guard your heart, mind and eyes for they influence and shape your character. Make good choices; they affect both your present and future. Forgive others, for you will need forgiveness and, always seek the best in others. It is there often disguised or hidden in pain, past experiences, failures or temporary setbacks.

Life awaits you, my dear. Embrace it as I do the sunshine and the rain, the chirping of the birds, the beauty of the earth and the gift of each day. 

I love you,



  1. Mom... this is beautiful. Thank you for being such an important part of Ace's life. He loves his "Gigi" so much! You are an inspiration to so many people all over the world, but to me... you have been the greatest inspiration of all... my mom.
    I love you,

  2. That was such an absolutely eloquent expression of love and rejoicing in a loved one. It closed my throat. Thank you.

    Sue King,
    Theta Rho

  3. What a wonderful expression of love and kindness.
    Ace is graced with your special for him.
    And ALL of us know and appreciate your specialness....
