Sunday, November 10, 2013

What Follows the Nominations Slate?

 The slate of leaders, selected by the International Nominations Committee, for elected positions of the Society for 2014-2016, and, in some cases beyond,  is posted on the Society website at

The next steps are spelled out in the governing documents. International Standing Rule 8.081 requires the Nominations Committee to share its report (the slate) with the members who are in attendance at the convention in Indianapolis, July 28-August 1, 2014. Following the report, the international president shall call for nominations from the floor for each elected position. Any member who is registered and in attendance may make a nomination from the floor subsequent to the report of the Nominations Committee.

Any individual, chapter, or state organization making an early decision to nominate a candidate from the floor may (1) present to the international president by December 1, the name, photograph, and brief summary of the proposed candidate's qualifications for a selected office for publication in the January/ February DKG NEWS and on the Society Web site. The name of a proposed candidate must have previously been submitted to the Nominations Committee and not selected for the current election; (2) place the candidate's name in nomination at the convention when the president calls for nominations from the floor.

Consistent with ISR 8.081,  there shall be no nominations or seconding speeches.

Voting for all international officers, members-at-large, area representatives, and members of elected committees shall be held on the day preceding the last day of the convention between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Voting would occur on Thursday, July 31, 2014.

Each state organization president, or official designee as she may name, shall cast the ballot for the state organization after presenting proper identification. Each state organization president or her official designee shall be entitled to cast one (1) vote for each five (5) active and reserve members, or major fraction thereof,  within the state organization.

On a separate ballot, each voting member of the international Executive Board shall cast one (1) vote for a nominee for each position to be filled on the Board of Trustees of The Delta Kappa Gamma Educational Foundation.

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