Sunday, November 3, 2013

Where are the Proposed Amendments?

October 1, 2013, was the deadline for the receipt of proposed amendments to the Delta Kappa Gamma Constitution and or International Standing Rules. The Constitution Committee met on October 15-16, 2013, with Dr. Helen Popovich, Michigan, as chair. The committee reviewed the proposals and edited them for correct form before presenting them to the Administrative Board for review.

The Administrative Board meets on  November 7-9, 2013. One item on the agenda is to approve the constitutional amendments to be submitted for vote by the international convention in Indianapolis, July 28- August 1, 2014.

All proposed amendments will be published no later than the March/April issue of the DKG NEWS with the recommendation of the Administrative Board to adopt, to not adopt or no recommendation. (Constitution, Article XVI. Section B.5.)

Keep up with everything that is happening in DKG by visiting the Society website at, reading the DKG NEWS, checking out our blogs, or contacting us.  We would love to hear from you.

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