Sunday, December 8, 2013

DKG Engages the Younger Generations

In a response to a tweet from XYZ University, I proclaimed that DKG engages the younger generations. As a follow up, they  suggested I email the CMO and talk more about it. Without a lot of thought, I made a list of a few of the ways our Society reaches out to the younger generations and especially to early career educators. Many of the opportunities are available to non-members as well as members. They include:

  • financial support for graduate study
  • support for educators working on National Board Certification
  • coaching, mentoring and other support for educators new to the profession
  • professional networking in a multi-generational environment
  • leadership development opportunities
  • funding for classroom, school or community projects
  • support for attendance at professional conferences
  • publishing opportunities in a juried journal
  • professional development hours for renewal of teaching certificates
  • professional speaking opportunities
  • supporting diversity and involvement in programs at chapter, state organization and international level
If your chapter is engaging the younger generations, share with me and I will share it with the world.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


I read something recently (I believe it was from Sarah Sladek and XYZ University) and discovered that OPI was more than the name of a nail polish.  The acronym, OPI, stood for Optimum Positive Impact.  As I read, I realized that Delta Kappa Gamma (DKG) definitely  has optimum positive impact. Shortly thereafter, I tweeted that DKG has OPI and to check my next blog. Well, needless to say, the blog has been slow in coming.

Our vision statement, Leading Women Educators Impacting Education Worldwide, is more than a statement.  We are impacting education, and so much more, every day. I encourage you to share the many ways we impact the world for both members and non-members. One example is our World Fellowships that are granted to non-member women educators who come to the US or Canada for graduate study. The DKG Educational Foundation provides funds for non-members as well as members to engage in projects and activities around the world as well as participate in professional development opportunities.

There are more benefits of belonging to our organization than this blog can hold. Scholarships, leadership management, professional development, global affiliation, networking, opportunities to publish and serve in a leadership role, make a difference and enjoy genuine spiritual fellowship with 85,000 plus other members, are just a few.

I challenge you to read the DKG NEWS, visit the Society website at, and attend the International Convention in Indianapolis, July 28-August 1, 2014, to explore the OPI of DKG.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

What Follows the Nominations Slate?

 The slate of leaders, selected by the International Nominations Committee, for elected positions of the Society for 2014-2016, and, in some cases beyond,  is posted on the Society website at

The next steps are spelled out in the governing documents. International Standing Rule 8.081 requires the Nominations Committee to share its report (the slate) with the members who are in attendance at the convention in Indianapolis, July 28-August 1, 2014. Following the report, the international president shall call for nominations from the floor for each elected position. Any member who is registered and in attendance may make a nomination from the floor subsequent to the report of the Nominations Committee.

Any individual, chapter, or state organization making an early decision to nominate a candidate from the floor may (1) present to the international president by December 1, the name, photograph, and brief summary of the proposed candidate's qualifications for a selected office for publication in the January/ February DKG NEWS and on the Society Web site. The name of a proposed candidate must have previously been submitted to the Nominations Committee and not selected for the current election; (2) place the candidate's name in nomination at the convention when the president calls for nominations from the floor.

Consistent with ISR 8.081,  there shall be no nominations or seconding speeches.

Voting for all international officers, members-at-large, area representatives, and members of elected committees shall be held on the day preceding the last day of the convention between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Voting would occur on Thursday, July 31, 2014.

Each state organization president, or official designee as she may name, shall cast the ballot for the state organization after presenting proper identification. Each state organization president or her official designee shall be entitled to cast one (1) vote for each five (5) active and reserve members, or major fraction thereof,  within the state organization.

On a separate ballot, each voting member of the international Executive Board shall cast one (1) vote for a nominee for each position to be filled on the Board of Trustees of The Delta Kappa Gamma Educational Foundation.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

$1,000 for YOU?


Time is running out.

The DKG Educational Foundation is celebrating 50 years of giving to educate the world. In recognition of that milestone, 50 (fifty) $1,000 awards will be given to fund projects for the classroom, school or community involving learners in an educational environment. All employed educators are eligible to apply. Midnight on November 15, 2013 is the deadline to have your applications in to the Educational Foundation.


     To access the online interactive application click here. Read the instructions, fill out the appropriate page, get a professional recommendation and submit the application for consideration to . It's as easy as that! Contact Lynette Hancock, the Educational Foundation Assistant, at if you have questions.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Where are the Proposed Amendments?

October 1, 2013, was the deadline for the receipt of proposed amendments to the Delta Kappa Gamma Constitution and or International Standing Rules. The Constitution Committee met on October 15-16, 2013, with Dr. Helen Popovich, Michigan, as chair. The committee reviewed the proposals and edited them for correct form before presenting them to the Administrative Board for review.

The Administrative Board meets on  November 7-9, 2013. One item on the agenda is to approve the constitutional amendments to be submitted for vote by the international convention in Indianapolis, July 28- August 1, 2014.

All proposed amendments will be published no later than the March/April issue of the DKG NEWS with the recommendation of the Administrative Board to adopt, to not adopt or no recommendation. (Constitution, Article XVI. Section B.5.)

Keep up with everything that is happening in DKG by visiting the Society website at, reading the DKG NEWS, checking out our blogs, or contacting us.  We would love to hear from you.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Why Blog?

       Due to a variety of reasons I have not blogged as frequently as I should or would like. Even though I am pleased many individuals read and comment on my blogs, I am rewarded if only one person does. And, often, the blog is an opportunity for me to get something off my mind and on the table.

      Following the Florida (Mu State DKG ) meeting in September,  I received a card signed by many of the members.  One of the members wrote that she reads my blogs. So, Elizabeth, this one is for you! It's short but you are one of the main reasons I blog. I promise to be more productive and provide more incentive for you to read them.
      Have a great weekend and continue to read my blogs.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

DKG Members on ELLEN Show

On Monday, September 9, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. central time, Shelly McMillan and Amy Simpson, principals from Moore, Oklahoma will appear on the Season 11 Premiere of  the ELLEN Show. Shelly is currently a member of Alpha Chi Chapter and we hope Amy's membership is soon reinstated.

Both were invited to attend the show for a long needed vacation and asked to sit in the audience. Of course they get recognized by host, Ellen DeGeneres, and presented a very significant check to assist in replenishing the supplies that were lost due to the Tornadoes that destroyed their schools.

Thanks to Belinda Clift, Alpha Chi chapter president, for sharing the link below with me. It gives a sneak preview of the two educators on the show.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Free Registration for 2014 Convention

Strengthening Efforts are Worth Money

We are collecting ideas or ways chapters are being strengthened and steps state organizations have taken  and continue to take to strengthen their chapters.

You can share those wonderful ideas and win a free registration to the 2014 International Convention in Indianapolis, July 28 - August 1, 2014.

Send specific ideas or information about how you have been involved in strengthening your own chapter or, if you are a state organization president, how your state has strengthened its chapters. Your name will be entered in a drawing for one of five free registrations to the International Convention in 2014. Your thoughts are worth money to us!

Send your ideas, suggestions to  Your name will be entered into a drawing and your registration fee to the next international convention could be pre-paid.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Experienced a Rich Regional Conference?

The five DKG regional directors, as well as host state organization conference committee members, expended much energy preparing for regional conferences. The 2013 southeast, southwest, northeast and northwest conferences are now history. Unfortunately, if you missed them, you can't imagine what you missed. All have been phenomenal!

There were informative general sessions, inspirational speakers, innovative and creative info fairs, awesome musical renditions, marvelous meal functions, great opportunities to shop at the market place, as well as the opportunity to renew friendships and make new ones.

The Europe Regional Conference is now underway. Follow all conference activities on the DKG Facebook, Twitter, and various blogs.

Those of you who did not attend a 2013 Regional Conference should make plans now to attend the 2014 International Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana, July 28 - August 1, 2014.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Seeking Younger Members?

      Many state organization presidents and members have expressed appreciation for the Society representative assigned to their conventions. The note below is being shared for two reasons. One,  the representative is chronologically, younger than most of the other members of the Administrative Board, and, two, the inspiration her presence provided to the members of the state organization merits repetition.

Just a little note to let you know how much the international guest you sent was appreciated. She  was a delight! What a positive reflection for the Society!

The members enjoyed meeting and speaking with her and many were in awe of her English! Many commented that they were ashamed that they could not do as well if they were a guest in her country.

She participated on Friday with not one, but two dances!  She was a hit! She is Delta Kappa Gamma and I very much appreciated you sending her to our state. I know many of the members left convention determined to seek out young members for our state!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

2013 Nominations Forms Available

The 2013 Nominations Forms are available on the Society Website. Go to  Click on Selecting Leaders for 2014. It is on the home page at this time.  Later, you can find it on the forms page or on the nominations committee page.

Read the overview which contains the instructions, recommendation and endorsement forms as well as references to the Society's governing documents.

Any questions regarding the forms or instructions should be referred to Liz Tarner,  chair of the International Nominations Committee  at

Once you complete a recommendation or endorsement form, remember to save it and send it as an attachment to Postal and electronic mailing instructions are on the forms. Electronic submissions are encouraged.

Deadline for submission is October 15, 2013.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Check out FORUMS at 2013 Regional Conferences

     There are four forums in The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International. They include the Canadian, European, Latin America and United States. Chairs of each are, Agnes Moynihan, Canadian; Ingibjorg Jonasdottir, European; Monica J. Ochoa, Latin America; and La Walta (Wally) Turner, United States.

      A two (2)-hour block of time is planned at each 2013 regional conference as a working session. It is scheduled at a time not conflicting with other activities. Outstanding speakers have been obtained and  sessions are designed to serve the interests and concerns of Society members. Members in attendance have the opportunity to discuss forum related issues.

      A Canadian Forum will take place at the NE Regional in Maine and the NW Regional in Wyoming.  Two Forums are necessary as there are Canadian members in both regions.  The Forum will bring educational issues forward from each province to update the overview of education in Canada.  The school project in Mexico will be updated and guidelines concerning the Canadian projects will be discussed.  Canadian members will be able to develop a shared sense of purpose and fellowship renewing old friendships and making new ones.

     The European Forum is the youngest forum. The forum consists of nine countries, nine languages, nine cultures, nine school systems and nine histories. As a group, the forum members look for common interests and work with those issues to organize an interesting meeting during the regional conference or the international convention.
     The Latin-American Forum is an assembly for an open discussion on topics of common concern, all in Spanish. The Forum meetings are held at the Southwest Regional Conference. 

     The U.S. Forum will be held at all four regional conferences in the United States. The U.S. Forum also sponsors a National Legislative Seminar at the Holiday Inn/National Airport in Crystal City, Virginia. The dates are March 16-19, 2014. You will receive a brochure at the US Forum with complete information regarding the NLS.

     Enjoy your forum at your regional conference this summer.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Teaching, Leading, Caring from the Heart

The Indiana state organization convention began on Friday, April 26 with professional development sessions open to all members. A dinner for the state organization officers and committee chairs provided a relaxing time to share reports and other business matters.

The Executive Board meeting which began early Saturday morning included a roll call of chapters, reports of related personnel, standing and ad hoc committees as well as other business. A discussion of the 2014 International Convention was one focus as Indiana will be the host state for the 2014 International Convention in Indianapolis, July 28- August 1, 2014.

Dr. Wendy Robinson, Superintendent of the Fort Wayne Community Schools welcomed the members at the beginning of the Opening Session. Outstanding workshops  such as Retracing Ann Frank's Footsteps; Ideas for Struggling Chapters; Zimbabwe: A Journey of Discovery; Letting Go of Stress, and Educational Legislative Trends were well received.

Following the approval of the proposed state organization's Standing Rules and the budget, and after not passing a proposed dues increase, the members appeared to  be in one accord as they recommitted to the Society's Mission and Purposes and installed new officers  for the upcoming biennium.

Members from Mu Chapter, Indiana, recently initiated 27 new members.

Friday, June 7, 2013

To My Favorite Grandson

Dear Ace:

 As I look at your graduation picture, I beam with pride. You have brought such pleasure to your Gigi. It seems only yesterday that you were born on my birthday, no easy feat in itself, and now you are graduating. 

You know all the letters of the alphabet and your colors, even though purple and pink gave you a small problem. You can count past 100 and add most single digit numbers. Your Geography is great as you put your tiny fingers on California, Florida, Texas and Georgia, important places because of the people in your life. 

You are blessed by having your parents; both, outstanding professional educators. Your life's journey will include many who will inspire, challenge, support and motivate you. They will be your teachers and administrators - your super heroes, surrogate parents, care takers, nurses, mentors, tutors, secretaries, psychiatrists, role models and friends. They will see your sparkle, thirst for knowledge, and gentle spirit; and while not breaking it, may bend it to help you learn that life is not always fair; everyone is not as kind, loving and wonderful as you and a few may not believe, as I, that you are God's unique gift to this world. 

As you continue your journey remember a few of my favorite sayings such as, "all that glitters is not gold; what appears to be may not be; smooth sailing never a skillful mariner made; in giving you actually receive; you can't judge a book by its cover; you learn more from your failures than your successes; failures are only temporary; what goes around comes around; actions speak louder than words;" and at some point, "you really do reap what you sow." 

Guard your heart, mind and eyes for they influence and shape your character. Make good choices; they affect both your present and future. Forgive others, for you will need forgiveness and, always seek the best in others. It is there often disguised or hidden in pain, past experiences, failures or temporary setbacks.

Life awaits you, my dear. Embrace it as I do the sunshine and the rain, the chirping of the birds, the beauty of the earth and the gift of each day. 

I love you,


Thursday, June 6, 2013

What's New about Nominations in 2013?

         Several innovations promise to make a positive impact on the submission of recommendations and endorsements for elected DKG positions for 2014 and beyond.  Check out the following three.

1.      Revised and updated forms will be on the website, beginning June 17, 2013. They are easy to access, complete, save, and submit. Go to  Check the home page and you may also click on Committees, then on Nominations.  From June 17 - October 15, 2013, you will find:
·         Guidance on how to ‘maximize’ the impact of recommendations and endorsements.
·         References from the governing documents regarding the nominations committee and the process.

2.      A workshop, Nominations Know-How, at each regional conference which will give you opportunities to:

·         View and discuss the revised forms.
·         Receive advice about completion of recommendation and endorsement forms.
·         Learn why each candidate is asked to provide a statement giving the reasons she wants to serve and her previous participation in the Society.
·         Discover why ‘less is more’ when submitting an endorsement.
·         Find out how to ensure that endorsements have maximum impact.
·         Hear why electronic submission of forms is a ‘win/win’ for all.

3.      Nominations Committee members will also be at the Info Fairs at Regionals.

·         A PowerPoint presentation and informative  handouts will be shared.
·         An opportunity to ask individual questions for clarification and advice about:
           a) Completing recommendation and endorsement forms,
     b) Choosing endorsers whose forms will provide relevant information,
     c) Submitting the forms electronically, and,
     d) Meeting the submission deadline date of October 15, 2013.


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Forward Movers - Forward Thinkers

 One hundred sixty-three members registered for the Georgia state organization convention in Macon, Georgia, on April 5-7, 2013. Peggy McCall, state organization president, encouraged members to Make Memories in Macon and they did just that.

Two general sessions, an executive board meeting, a birthday luncheon as well as the banquet, 10 workshops, and a great mini market were enjoyed by participants. Ed Grisamore, a columnist for The Macon Telegraph and recipient of the 2010 Will Rogers Humaritarian Award, as well as the 2012 Georgia Author of the Year, was the Friday night keynote speaker.

Sidney Lanier, who was born in Macon in 1842, made a surprise appearance at the luncheon. He entertained members as he talked about his poems and music.

A QR Code Convention Scavenger Hunt provided a new outlet for the techno savy members and significant monetary prizes were given to the winners.

The Celebration of Life Ceremony, conducted by Jo Davis, and the State Membership Committee was most impressive. Three past state organization presidents, Malissa Cox, Mary Crooks and Page Loyd were remembered as well as members from all chapters in the six districts.

Members waiting  to walk to the Celebration of Life Ceremony.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Teachers Change Lives!


"The mediocre teacher tells,

The good teacher explains,

The superior teacher demonstrates.

The great teacher inspires."

                                    William Arthur Ward


Thanks to all educators

who are impacting education


You are appreciated!
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Estonia - Five Years Old!

I have been amazed at the diversity and unity of different state organization conventions at which I have served as the Society representative. Each state organization and its chapters have much autonomy and are different in many ways. However, the unity in the Society's Mission and Purposes is always evident.

In Estonia, a new chapter, Gamma, was installed and 12 members were initiated. An additional member was also initiated into Alpha chapter. Margarita Hanschmidt, state organization president, has mentored, encouraged and provided the leadership to keep this young state organization thriving,  relevant  and attracting both extremely young career educators as well as educators with more years of experience. The state celebrated its fifth birthday in the DKG Society.

Margarita Hanschmidt, Estonia state organization president, cuts the birthday cake
celebrating Estonia's fifth year in the Society.

New Jersey has largest attendance ever!

I asked state organization presidents to share the great things happening at their conventions. Below are a few of those shared by Roxanne Adinolfi, New Jersey State Organization President. The convention was April 12 – 14, 2013.

ü  President’s membership challenge of 75 new members for the 75th Diamond Jubilee (exceeded)

ü  First Alpha Zeta Strategic Action Plan (adopted)

ü  Comprehensive Revisions to the 2000 Alpha Zeta State (AZS) Standing Rules (adopted)

ü  Comprehensive Revisions to the 2012 AZS Bylaws (adopted)

ü  Publication (605 pages) Alpha Zeta State 1938-2013 Diamond Anniversary History of the NJ State Organization

ü  343 Registered Attendees at the convention (Largest number ever!)

ü  Keynote Speaker for the convention Stacey Bess Author/Teacher Beyond the Blackboard Lessons on Love from the School With No Name (Hallmark Hall of Fame Movie)

ü  Cindy Reynolds as “Miss Annie” provided interesting information about our NJ Founders and Dr. Annie Webb Blanton

ü  Past State Presidents presented NJ Founders Skit with “Miss Annie”

ü  Dr. Lynda Schmid, DKG Society Representative  qwas featured speaker for birthday luncheon, workshop presenter and initiates orientation presenter

ü  Dual Celebratory Resolution (NJ STATE ASSEMBLY and SENATE) presented to the membership

ü  Congratulatory Letter from NJ Governor Chris Christie


Monday, April 29, 2013

Society Reps - Make Connections

Invite a Society Representative to your state meeting.

Below are a few of the comments from state organizations regarding the value of having a Society representative at a state meeting.  Sixty five of our state organizations requested and received a member of the international administrative board as its Society representative.

 If your state did not request a representative for 2013, consider requesting one for 2014. The names of the representatives and state organizations have been omitted since all comments could not be included.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you for sending ------as our Society Representative for our  State Convention. She was an incredible addition to our group and we were very tempted to just keep her! "
"____ was knowledgeable about DKG Society and shared that knowledge with a friendly and enthusiastic spirit that everyone responded to positively.  She was not afraid to join in conversations and participate in activities with our members."  

"Her openess and accessibility elicited very positive comments especially from members who were at their first out-of-chapter experience."

"We were delighted to have ___ on her first trip to a state convention as a Society Rep. She blended right in and our members loved her."
"____'s speech was very thought provoking and incited more conversations and willingness to do more.  We were very pleased and had a wonderful convention!"

"__ was the perfect Society representative  for our state!  She was inspirational, uplifting and encouraging. She fit right in as if this was her home. "
"Her knowledge about the needs of our members and what they value in their membership was awesome. We got some great ideas to use to retain (and reinstate) our members. Thank you!"
"Thank you for sending ___. She was very knowledgeable about DKG and shared things about our state of which our members were unaware. She did her homework! Thanks." 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

It Doesn't Take Barbells to Strengthen a Chapter

     At each of the 2013  regional conferences, a pre-conference session will be held to emphasize chapter strengthening. Believing that you don't have to be sick to get better, and, consistent with the biennium theme of Sharing Our Vision - Strengthening Our Society, the international administrative board enthusiastically supports the training sessions. Two chapter level representatives will be asked to participate from each state organization.

     Dr. Lyn Schmid, International Second Vice President will coordinate the sessions and conduct the training in Portland, Maine. She will be assisted by four other DKG leaders who will conduct the session in their regions. Carolyn Pittman, International First Vice President, will be in Orlando, FloridaDr. Vicki T. Davis, Chair, Golden Gift Committee, in Branson, MissouriIngibjorg Jonasdottir, Chair, European Forum, The Netherlands; and Barb Whiting, International Member-At-Large will conduct the training in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

     Participants will receive a complete training packet and be encouraged to share the information with their chapters and state organizations.

     Congratulations to chapters and state organizations that are Sharing Our Vision ~ Strengthening Our Society!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Successful Conventions

Share your state convention news!

Society representatives, who serve as members of the international administrative board,  are enjoying opportunities to network with members at their state conventions. Below is a note from an excited state organization president. I would love to hear about your state convention!
"I was relieved that we were able to pass a small dues increase, approve our revised Bylaws, the budget, and elect our fine 2013-15 state officers. 
We also initiated a state honorary member and 15 chapter members. 
We proudly honored chapters that received our Gold Key award, reclaimed members,  met our membership challenge, and published outstanding newsletters. 
We also presented Achievement Awards to two very deserving members.  
 For the first time in many years, we had three rounds of workshops  that covered a variety of topics that were appropriate for both retired members and those still employed. 
We collected more than 6,000 books that will be donated to six children’s hospitals for their literacy programs. 
Our two A. Margaret Boyd recipients attended the convention and were a wonderful addition. 
We also awarded seven Esther H. Strickland student teaching grants of $1,000 each, and two of those young ladies joined us to accept the grants. 
As you can tell, it was a busy weekend with 412 members and nine guests in attendance, our highest attendance in a number of years. "

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Expansion - Strengthening DKG State Organizations

The Expansion Committee under the leadership of Chair, Claudia Estrada, Guatemala, is addressing the strengthening of many of the 30  state organizations outside the United States. At a recent meeting in Austin, Texas, the site of the DKG Society Headquarters, decisions were made to use expansion funds to support the attendance of designated individuals from six state organizations outside the U.S. to specific DKG activities.
For more information contact Claudia Estrada at

The International Expansion Committee members
from New York, Georgia, Guatemala, Texas and Iceland
at work in Austin.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Not on IRS List

All U.S. treasurers of DKG chapters, state organizations, coordinating councils or any fund with a separate EIN must file a Form 990 or 990n with the IRS annually.  The IRS will automatically revoke the tax exemption status if any organization fails to satisfy its filing requirements for three consecutive years.  The automatic exemption is effective as of the due date of the third required annual filing.  This means you will lose your non-profit status under the DKG group ruling and your income will become taxable.

Congratulations to the state organizations with no state organization, chapter, coordinating council or any other separate account listed on the IRS Revocation of Exemption Report as of February 6, 2012.


Alaska, Arizona, Connectictut, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming.




Thursday, February 21, 2013

From What is - to - What If?

Changes in the Election Process?

At the 2012 International Convention held in New York City, members voted to implement suggestions of  a previous ad hoc committee. This necessitates that amendments to the Constitution and International Standing Rules be approved at the 2014 International Convention.  The Ad Hoc DKG Election Process Committee is exploring  many issues related to its charge.
 Key items explored:

·         Should each member of The Society be able to vote for officers, administrative board members and members of elected committees?  Do we want one member, one vote?

·         Currently state organization presidents vote at international convention for officers, administrative board members and members of elected committees.  In this representative election process state organizations have a voting strength of 1 vote for every 5 active and reserve members.  What are the issues surrounding this representative election?

·         Nomination process:  Should more nominees be listed on the nomination slate?  Should the duties of the international nominations committee be reviewed and evaluated?

·         How might we conduct a general election with every member voting?  Yes, we know that many organizations do electronic voting and many vendors have been investigated.  But what would be the best ways for DKG to handle this.  Are we like every other organization?   Should we be?

Additional information will be available in the DKG NEWS, Presidents' Page, President to President,  posted on the Society website and sent periodically to as many members as possible. For more information or to share your ideas, contact Dr. Carolyn Rants, chair at

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Want to be a DKG International Speaker?


Delta Kappa Gamma members interested in becoming international speakers must submit an electronic application by September 15.  Applications are available on the Society website and are interactive. Instructions are included. Once submitted they are scanned and made accessible to all state organization presidents. They remain on the secure site for two years.
State organizations interested in hosting an international speaker must submit an electronic request on the designated form indicating the specific speaker being requested. Deadlines for submission of requests are May 10 and November 10. If a speaker is assigned, the state organization is responsible for providing necessary local transportation, meals and lodging for the agreed period of visitation.The Society pays the cost of transportation for the selected speaker.
Six DKG members have been chosen as international speakers for 2013.

Congratulations to

Dr. Adriana Fishta-Bejko (Alberta, Canada) going to Great Britain

Maria Mercedes De Umana (El Salvador) going to Arizona

Dr. Peg Dunn Snow (Florida) going to Quebec

Dr. Margaret Trybus (Illinois) going to Iceland

Dr. Phyllis Van Buren (Minnesota) going to Baja California, Mexico

Dr. Muriel O'Tuel (South Carolina) going to Estonia

Monday, February 18, 2013

Making a Difference

What a Difference You Have Made

Happy Anniversary

 A total of 644 letters were sent in recognintion of the members who were celebrating their 50, 55, 60, 65, and/or 70 year anniversaries with Delta Kappa Gamma. Five of our members received letters congratulating them on their 70th anniversary as members of DKG.


Celebrating 70 Years as Members of DKG 

 June Dailey of Colorado,

Louise Fisher of Florida,

Ruth Bird of Kansas,

Mabel Smith of Louisianna

 Blanche Gunn of Texas.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

DKG Member- A Top Principal



Canadian Member wins National Principal Award
Starla Grebinski, a member of Alpha Chapter in Regina, SK, was recently recognized by The Learning Partnership - a group dedicated to championing a strong public education system in Canada -  as one of Canada's top principals. She is Principal of Sacred Heart Community School in Regina. An article about Starla appeared in Regina's daily, the Leader Post.
Director of Education for the Regina Catholic Schools division, Rob Currie, recognized Grebinski by saying, "The school, under her direction, has really worked with the philosopy that if you can read, the world is open to you."
Grebinski will go to Toronto in late February, along with other nominated principals,  to share ideas at a conference.
Original Photo by Bryan Schlosser, Leader-Post

Congratulations Starla.




Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Milestone Birthdays

Celebrating with our members

I am honored to receive requests to share in the birthday celebrations of Delta Kappa Gamma members.  Several of you have notified me  of members who are celebrating their 90+ birthdays and, at least four who have reached their 100th. What a joy it is for me to share a greeting from  Society Headquarters.
Unfortunately our data base does not allow us to locate members by birthdates. We can, however,  identify members by their date of initiation into Delta Kappa Gamma.  If you have a member in your chapter who is celebrating a milestone birthday, let me know. I will be honored to send a personal greeting and note of appreciation. But, I can only do it if you let me know.
Pictured above, (standing, l to r), Iota chapter president, Maria Carmen King, and Joanna Jones, Iota chapter member and Spearfish Co-chair. To the left of Miss Thelma Davis, who celebrated her 100th birthday on January 11, 2013, is Darlene Telkamp, past Alpha Pi (South Dakota) state organization president and current Iota chapter parliamentarian.
Continue to read my blogs as well as DKG NEWSPresidents' Page, and President to President. All are posted on the Society website at Let's keep communicating, connecting  and celebrating with each other.


Saturday, January 26, 2013

PA - receives CTAUN Award.

CTAUN Recognizes Pennsylvania


Pictured above, from left to right, are Karen Ball, Pennsylvania state organization projects chair, and Louann Schraeder, Pennsylvania's state organization president, receiving a certificate at the CTAUN conference in New York on January 19, 2013.

The certificate was a result of the state organization project, Hey Sister, Can You Spare A Pair, which focused on education as a human right and the need to impact education globally. In many African countries young women are denied the right to attend school during their cycle each month.  The PA project provided proper undergarments to facilitate the use of pads for the young women. Alpha Alpha state organization collected over 3,800 pair of cotton panties and impacted education worldwide.

At right is the trifold used by the PA state organization to communicate the manner in which it is impacting education world wide.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Welcome Back - Reinstate

Reinstatements - A Win - Win

Approximately 70% of members who dropped their membership during 2011 indicated that, if asked, they would reinstate. The efforts from Nita Scott, membership services administrator, and others, support that finding.

Several former members who completed the dropped survey were contacted by their chapter presidents. Within the day, they were no longer former members.

A state organization president called a former member when given the contact information by Nita. Following a ten minute conversation the state organization membership grew and a member was welcomed back.

Another former member who  had simply not completed the transfer process agreed  for her information to be shared with chapter presidents in her new area. Even though she had been a member she did not feel comfortable attending a new chapter without an invitation. She was invited by a chapter president and is now attending her chapter meetings.

Nita also contacted a former member who told her she did not intend to drop her membership, but neglected to get her dues to the treasurer. Nita made contact with the appropriate treasurer and the former member was reinstated. Unfortunately, the member told Nita that she was the only person who had contacted her regarding her dropped membership.

While Nita Scott is a wonderful Membership Services Administrator, she needs your help. Look at the list of members who have been dropped from membership in your chapter. Even if you are not president, or, an officer in your chapter, contact the former members to see if they will come back. When they do, help them to become actively involved in your chapter activities, projects and programs.